Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Concepts and Development Art (2019-2022)


Rough quick drawings of Marty from 2019, trying to find a solid design for him!

Some early Doc and Marty stuff also from 2019!

Prototype poster design made in September 2019, not too long before work on the actual series art began!

Marty Fox, May 2016!
(Dont mind the '1986' in the corner, I was just being goofy, LOL!)

Marty in 2018, closer resembling his design we know today! (Minus his iconic yellow eye rings!)

June 2019, Marty's design for the most part finalized!

Here's one I actually had forgotten about til I dug it up again! That time I drew Marty and Ferris Bueller as foxes, jamming to some tunes! Circa January 2019!
(Hmmmm- Could this be an indirect foreshadowing of a future project? Bueller?.....Bueller?.....)

November 2019 concept art of Doc, Marty, Lorraine, George, and Biff!

2021 pen sketches featuring ideas for Maggie and Seamus. As you can see early on, her ears were going to be drooped down originally, and Seamus was gonna have an ear notch!

Early George ideas from September 2019!

2021 pen sketches, trying to finalize a design for Clara before starting production on Part III. Also pictured is Jules and Verne!

Older Marty concept sketches, late 2020!

Biff and gang early sketches from 2019! As you can see, Skinhead and Match were originally a sphynx cat and weasel. (3-D was always a blue-jay!)
I eventually changed Skinhead to a reptile, a blue tongued skink to be exact. The sphynx cat design went to Principal Strickland instead!
Match became a beaver, due to him always having a match in his mouth. Match = Wood, Wood=Beaver!

Buford rough pen sketches, 2021

Marty Jr. rough pen sketches, August 2020

One of the few scenes sketched in 2019 that was cut from the original BarkTTF. I went back and remastered the sketch in 2022!

I figured to include these as concept art, since they were technically conceptual pieces for a potential Part III! These were drawn before I even confirmed I was gonna do a Part II!
Yes, these were made in May 2020! 2 years before Part III!

This poster from 2020, posted on the 30th anniversary of Back To The Future III, features the earliest designs for Clara, Seamus, and Buford!

I took this screenshot in August 2022 of when I was working on this scene which was released in October 2022, I dont remember why I kept this, but finding it again had me thinking hey, why dont I include it in this development art section just for fun! Kind of an inside look at how I worked on these scenes. As you can see I would keep the original screenshots under the sketches so I could do my best to capture the originals!

List of scenes I wrote in October 2020 during a watch-through of Part II that I specifically put on to narrow down scenes in which I was gonna include!

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