Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Bark To The Future: Part III (2022)

Series Run Dates: February 5th, 2022 through October 27th, 2022
 Bark To The Future: Part III downloadable folder of artwork can be found here!

"Indeed, I now recall that moments after the time vehicle disappeared into the future *gasp* I saw a vision of Marty say he had come back from the future..."

   "Hey, Doc."
"Undoubtedly this was some sort of residual image of--


"Doc, calm down, OK? Just calm down, it's me, it's Marty!"

"No! It can't be you I just sent you back to the future!"

"1885? It's a very interesting story, future boy. But there's just one little thing that doesn't make sense. If the me of the future is now in the could you possibly know about it?"

"You sent me a letter."
"'Dear Marty: If my calculations are correct, you will receive this
letter immediately after you saw the Delorean struck by lightning.
First, let me assure you that I am alive and well. I have been living
happily these past eight months in the year 1885. The lightning bolt
that hit the DeLorean caused a jigowatt overload which scrambled the
time circuits, activated the flux capacitor, and sent me back to 1885.
The overload shorted out the time circuits and destroyed the flying
circuits. Unforunately, the car will never fly again.' It actually flew!"

"Yeah, well, you had a hover conversion done in the early twenty-first century."


                        "What's wrong, Marty? You look like you've seen a ghost."
"You're not far off, Doc."
"Shot in the back by Buford Tannen over a matter of 80 dollars? What kind of a future do you call that?"
"Are you sure this stuff is authentic?"

"Of course! Haven't you ever seen a Western?"

"Yeah, I have, Doc. And Clint Eastwood never wore anything like this."
"Clint who?"
"That's haven't heard of him yet."

"Maggie! Fetch some water, we've got a hurt fox here."
"You're safe and sound, here now at the McFly farm."

"McFly farm? AHH!!
You're my-my - my...Who are

"Name's McFly. Maggie McFly."

"Little Will never takes to strangers. It's almost as if...he's connected to us."
"Take a look and see what just breezed in the door!"
                                     "Why, I didn't know the circus was in town."
"What'll it be, stranger?"

"Uh...I'll water?"

"Hey, you aint Seamus McFly. Ya look like him though, especially with that dog-ugly hat!"

"You owe me money, blacksmith."

"How do ya figure?"

"My horse threw his shoe. Seeing as you was the one who done the shoeing, I say that makes you responsible."
"Well since you never paid me for the job I say that makes us even!"
"What idiot dressed you in that outfit?"
"You did."
"Excuse me Emmett. You remember last week at the town meeting when you volunteered to meet the new school teacher at the station after she came in?"

"Oh yes, quite so."

"Well, we just got word she's comin' in tomorrow. Here are the details for ya. Thanks for all your help."

"Anytime, Hubert!"

"Oh, her name's Miss Clayton. Clara Clayton."

"Well, Doc. Now we know who Clara is."
"Marty its impossible. The idea that I could fall in love at first sight? Its romantic nonsense. Theres no scientific rationale to that."
"Doc its not science. You meet the right girl, it just hits ya, its like lightning!" "Marty please dont say that!"
"Let's think this thing through logically. We know it wont run under its own power, and we know we can't pull it. But, if we can figure out a way to push it up to 88 MPH...huh?"


"That's it!"
"How fast she can go? Why, I've powered her up to 55 myself. I hear that fearless Frank Fargo got one of these up to near 70 out past Verde Junction."

"Is it possible to get it up to 90?"

"90? Tarnations, son, why'd ya ever be in such a hurry?"

"Well, it's just a little bet that he and I have, that's all. Theoretically speaking, could it be done?"

"Well, I suppose if you had a straight stretch of track with a long level grade, and you weren't hauling no cars behind you...and if you could get the fire hot enough...I mean hotter than the blazes of  hell and tarnations...well yes, you might be able get her up that fast."

"This spur runs off the main line 3 miles down to Clayton Ravine. There's a long stretch of track that will still exist in 1985. This is where we'll push the DeLorean with the

"AAAAH! Help me!!!"

"Oh, thank you, sir, you saved"
"Emmett Brown, at your service, Miss..."
"Uh, Clayton...Clara Clayton"

"I will see you again, won't I?"
"Of course, you'll see lots of me, I'm sure, I have a shop in town. I'm a local scientist--uh...uh...b-blacksmith."

"I may have seriously altered history."

"Whats the worst that could happen, huh? So they don't name the ravine after her. Lets just get the DeLorean ready and get the hell out of here."

"I wish I'd never invented that infernal time machine. It's caused nothing but disaster."

"I think the lens may be out of alignment, because if you move it this way, the image turns fuzzy, see?  But if you turn it... the other way..."

"...everything becomes...clear."

"It's a nice telescope."

"Let the festivities begin!"

"The Doc can dance?"

"Marshall Strickland... I didn't know you was back in town."

"Well, looky what we have here. Ain't you gonna introduce me to the lady? I'd like a dance!"
"I wouldn't give you the pleasure! You'll just have to go ahead and shoot!"

"Nobody calls me yellow."
"Let's finish it right now!"
"Not now, Buford. Marshal's got our guns."

"Like I said, we'll finish this tomorrow!"
"Tomorrow we're robbin the Pine City Stage."

"How bout Monday? We doin anything Monday?"

"Monday'd be fine, you can kill him on Monday!"

"You could have just walked away and nobody would o' thought the less of ya for it. All it would have been was words, hot air from a buffoon. Instead you let him rile ya. Rile ya into playing his game, his way, playing his rules."

"I never met a coyote who liked Jules Verne before."

"I never ever...met a wolf like you before."

"Excuse me, Mr. Eastwood, I just need to take your measurement."

"Uh, look, pal, I don't wanna buy a suit!"

"No, this is for your coffin."
"There's no point in denying it. I'm in love with Clara."

"Oh man. Doc, we don't belong here! Neither one of us! You know  it could still be you that gets shot tomorrow! He puffs his chest out  and points at it, then takes out the photograph of the tombstone from  his pocket and stuffs it in Doc's face. This tombstone could still be in your future!"

"Marty...the future isn't written. It can be changed; you know that! Anyone can make their future whatever they want it to be. I can't let this one little photograph determine my entire destiny. I have to live my life according to what I believe is right... in my heart."

"'re a scientist. So you tell me. What's the right thing to do, up here?"

"Clara...I want you know that I care about you deeply, but I realize that I don't belong here, and I have to go back to where I came from."

"And where might that be?"

"...I can't tell you."

"Well, wherever you're going, take me with you!"

"I can't, Clara. I wish it didn't have to be this way...but just
believe me when I say that I'll never forget you and that...I love you."

"I don't understand what you're trying to say."

"Clara...I don't think there's anyway that you can understand it."

"Please, Emmett, please...I have to know. If you sincerely do love me...then tell me the truth."

"All right then. I'm from the future. Clara looks at him in disbelief. I came here in a time machine that I invented and tomorrow I have to go back to the year 1985."

"Yes, Emmett, I do understand. I understand that because you know I'm partial to the writings of Jules Verne you concocted those mendacities in order to take advantage of me! Oh, I've heard some whoppers in my day but the fact that you'd expect me to entertain a notion like that is so...insulting and degrading! All you had to say is "I don't love you and I don't want to see you anymore." That at least would've been respectful!"

"But that's not the truth..."

"Whiskey? Emmett, are you sure? You know what happened to you on the fourth of July..."

"Emmett, NO!"

"How many did he have?"
"Just the one."
"...just the one?"
"Here, stick this clothespin on his nose, and when he opens up his mouth, go ahead and pour it on down his gullet. Oh, and stand back."


"...Something inside me told me I should be here. As if my future had something to do with it."

"You better get out there son, I got $20 gold bet on you so don't let me down!"

"I got $30 gold bet AGAINST ya so don't let ME down!"

"I've never seen a wolf so broken up over a coyote. What'd he say her name was? Cara? Sara?"


"Excuse me...but was this wolf tall, with great big brown puppy-dog eyes and long silvery flowing hair?"


"You know what I think? I think Buford's goin to jail..."
"I hate manure..."

"I've wanted to do that all my life!"


"Doc, I'm gonna slip you the hoverboard!"

"Well, Doc...It's destroyed. Just like you wanted."

"You goin cowboy, huh?"
"Marty, whats wrong? We thought you went to the lake."
"You wore THAT to the lake?"

"Hey! The big M! How's it hangin' McFly?"

"...Hey, Needles."
"Meet the family! Clara, you know."

"Hi, Marty!"


"These are our boys! Jules, and Verne! Boys, this is
Marty and Jennifer."

"Your future is whatever you make it. So make it a good one. Both of ya!"

"We will, Doc!"

"Hey, Doc! Where you going now? Back to the future?"

"Nope. Already been there!"


  1. Do you make an animated trilogy of that on YouTube?!

  2. Ever consider doing a Bark to the Future of the games? ;3
