Sunday, October 30, 2022

Welcome to the official Bark To The Future site!
Here you can view the artwork of the series in its entirety, as well as subgalleries that include concept, development, and just extra art and more pertaining to Bark To The Future!

Friday, October 28, 2022

Bark To The Future (2020)

Series Run Date: January 4th, 2020 through December 27th, 2020
 Bark To The Future downloadable folder of artwork can be found here!

(December 2019 series announcement sneak peek video)

"You know, Doc, you left your equipment on all week."

"My equipment, that reminds me, Marty, you better not hook up to the amplifier. There's a slight possibility of overload"

"No McFly ever amounted to anything in the history of Hill Valley."

"Yeah, well, history's gonna change."

(Drawn from unused concept from 2019- Remastered in January 2022)
"Save The Clock Tower!"

"Hello, hello, anybody home? Eh? Think, McFly, think!"
"Anyway, your Grandpa hit him with the car and brought him into the house. He seemed so helpless, like a little lost puppy, and my heart just went out to him."

"Welcome to my latest experiment. This is the big one, the one I've been waiting for all my life!"
"Oh hey, Biff, hey, guys, how are you doing?"

"You got my homework finished, McFly?"

"Uh, well, actually, I figured since it wasn't due till Monday-"

"Hello, hello, anybody home? Eh? Think, McFly, think!"


"You're George McFly...."

"Yeah, who are you?"

"Hey, what do you let those boys push you around like that for?"

"Well, they're bigger than me."

"Stand tall, boy, have some respect for yourself! Don't you know if you let people walk over you now, they'll be walking all over you for the rest of your life. Look at me, you think I'm gonna spend the rest of my life in this slop house?

(Lou offscreen) "Watch it, Goldie."

"No sir, I'm gonna make something of myself, I'm going to night school and one day I'm gonna be somebody."

"Thats right, he's gonna be Mayor!"

"...Maaaayor! Now that's a good idea. I could run for Mayor!"

"Stella! Another one of these damn kids jumped in front of my car!“

"Y-you're my're my m-"

"You know Marty, you look so familiar to me, do I know your mother?"

"Yeah, I think maybe you do."

"I'm going to read your thoughts!"

"Doc, I'm from the future. I came here in a time machine that you invented. Now, I need your help to get back to the year 1985."

"My god. Do you know what this means? It means that this damn thing doesn't work at all!"

"So tell me, future boy, who's president of the United States in 1985"

"Ronald Reagan."

"Ronald Reagan? The actor? Ha! Then who's vice president, Jerry Lewis?"
"I suppose Jane Wyman is the first lady!"

"Whoa, wait, Doc!"

"And Jack Benny is secretary of the Treasury"

"You gotta listen to me!"
"I've had enough practical jokes for one evening. Good night, future boy!"

"No wait, Doc, Doc, the bruise, the bruise on your head, I know how that happened, you told me the whole story!"

"You were standing on your toilet and you were hanging a clock, and you fell, and you hit your head on the sink, and that's when you came up with the idea for the flux capacitor... Which is what makes time travel possible."
"After I fell off my toilet, I drew this."

"It works, ha ha ha ha!!! It works! I finally invent something that works!"
"You bet your ass it works."

"Well, now we gotta sneak this back to my laboratory, we've gotta get you home!"

"Look, there's a rhythmic ceremonial ritual coming up."
"Of course, the Enchantment Under The Sea Dance! They're supposed to go to this, that's where they kiss for the first time!"
"So anyway, George, now Lorraine... she really likes you. She told me to tell you that she wants you to ask her to the Enchantment Under The Sea Dance."


"Oh yeah! all you gotta do is go over there and ask her."

"What, right here right now in the cafeteria? What if she said no? I don't know if I could take that kind of a rejection. Besides, I think she'd rather go with somebody else."

"Uhh, who?"

"Shut your filthy mouth, I'm not that kind of girl."

"Well maybe you are and you just don't know it yet."

"Get your meat hooks off of me!"

"You heard her! Get your meat"
"So what's it to you, butthead?"

"Since you're new here, I'm gonna cut you a So why don't you make like a tree, and get outta here."
"Look, I'm just not ready to ask Lorraine out to the dance."

"And not you, or anybody else on this planet is gonna make me change my mind!"

"Silence, Earthling! My name is Darth Vader. I am an extra-terrestrial from the planet Vulcan."

"Last night, Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan and told me that if I didn't take Lorraine out, that he'd melt my brain!"

                  "Yeah, well uh, lets keep this brain-melting stuff to ourselves, okay?"

     "I'm George, George McFly! I'm your density. I mean, your destiny."

"Alright, punk. Now I'm gonna-"

"Whoa, whoa, Biff, what's that?"

"That's Calvin Klein, oh my god he's a dream!"
"Please excuse the crudity of this model. I didn't have time to build it to scale or to paint it."

(Marty) "This is my Doc- Uhh I mean my Uncle Doc...Brown."

“But I was kind of wondering if you’d ask me to the Enchantment Under The Sea Dance on Saturday?”

“Uhh, you mean nobody’s asked you?”

"Hey you, get your damn hands off her! You really think I oughta swear?"

"George, there's nothing to be scared of. All it takes is a little self confidence. You know, if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything."
"Lorraine, Lorraine, what are you doing?"

"I swiped it from the old lady's liquor cabinet."

"Yeah well, you shouldn't drink."

"Why not?"

"Because, y-you might regret it later in life."

" Marty, don't be such a square. Everybody who's anybody drinks."

*spit take* "Jesus, you smoke too?"

"Marty, you're beginning to sound just like my mother."

"Biff! Leave him ALONE!"


"A-are you okay?"

"Who is that guy?"
"It's George McFly..."

🎵"Earth angel, earth angel...Please be mine..." 🎶

🎶 "Johnny B. Goode!" 🎵

"I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it!"
"Marty, will we ever see you again?"

"I guarantee it."
"Whats the meaning of this?"

"You'll find out in 30 years."

"It's about the future isn't it? It's information about the future! I warned you about this, kid! The consequences could be disastrous!"
"Doc, thats a risk you're gonna have to take, your life depends on it!"
"NOOO! I refuse to accept the responsibility!"
"DOC!!!" "Wha-???"

"I have to tell you about the future!"



"Bulletproof vest? How did you know? I-I never got a chance to tell you-"

"What about all that talk about screwing up future events? The space-time continuum?

"Well, I figured...What the hell?"
"Hey, what the hell is this?!"

"Uh, now, Biff. I wanna make sure we get two coats of wax this time, not just one."
"Just finishing up the second coat now!"

"Now, Biff! Don't con me!"

"I'm sorry Mr. McFly...I meant I was just starting on the second coat!"

"Ah, Biff, what a character. Always trying to get away with something!"
"Mr. McFly, Mr. McFly, this just arrived! Oh hi Marty! I think it's your new book!"

"Ah, honey, your first novel."

"Like I've always told you, if you put your mind to it you could accomplish anything."

" Oh, oh Marty, here's you keys. You're all waxed up, ready for tonight."


"How about a ride, mister?"

"Jennifer! Are you a sight for sore eyes. Let me look at you..."
"Marty, you're acting like you haven't seen me in a week."

"I haven't."

"You okay? Is everything alright?"
"Oh yeah. Everything is great."

"Marty! You've gotta come back with me!"

"Back to the future!"

"Go ahead, quick, get in the car."

"No no no, Doc, I just got here, okay, Jennifer's here, we're gonna take the new truck for a spin."

"Well, bring her along. This concerns her too."

"What are you talking about? What happens to us in the future? Do we become assholes or somethin?"

"No, no, no, no, Marty. Both you and Jennifer turn out fine. It's your kids, Marty. Something's gotta be done about your kids!"

"Hey, Doc, we better back up. We don't have enough road to get up to 88."
"Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads."

Welcome to the official Bark To The Future site! Here you can view the artwork of the series in its entirety, as well as subgalleries that ...